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5 Tips for Making Budget Fall Floral Arrangements

One of my favorite parts of fall is decorating our home with fall decor... But have you seen the price of some of the pre-made wreaths or arrangements at the stores? Not only are you save money by making the decorations yourself, but sometimes it is just enjoyable making things with your own hands. I love the personalized touches that I can add to the decorations and love the satisfaction of stepping back and looking at my creation.


Here are 5 Tips on How to make a beautiful arrangement on a budget:

1. Make Sure you Take Advantage of Coupons

Most all craft stores have great coupons online that can be scanned from your phone. You can often find coupons for 50% one single item or 20% off total purchase. This adds up quickly! All it takes is a quick search online before you get to the register.

Many stores also accept competitors coupons as well!

2. Keep an Eye Out for Sales on Silk Florals

Hobby Lobby usually has their floral section marked as 50% off twice a month. Make sure you are not hitting up the store on one of the off weeks.

3. Don't Underestimate the Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree seriously has great options in the craft department. I recently bought 9ft of burlap ribbon for you guessed it... $1! There flowers are also great when bunched together. Also, keep an eye out for other items that can be added for extra interest like wooden letters or small signs.

4. Forget the Expensive Wreath Hanger

My preferred way of hanging a wreath is by hanging a command hook upside down on the opposite side of the door. Then use a nice ribbon attached to the wreath that will hang over the top of the door and hand the wreath up from the other side.

5. Hit Up the Thrift Stores

Sometimes you can really score deals on craft supplies at your local Goodwill etc. You can find huge savings on fabric, buttons, wreath forms, yarn... the list goes on! They are also notorious for having a huge and unique selection on vases or containers. Seriously why spend an arm and a leg on a vase when you can get one for a couple dollars? You may also find pre-made fall arrangements that aren't totally your style, but are still a great steal compared to buying the the flowers or base new. Just revamp the item to fit your style :)

Now get to crafting!


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